10 JANUARY 2023
And then there were three… the Austrian National Library

MEMORIST proves its worth once more
Last October we informed you about the first concrete achievement of this unique alliance, the University of Cape Town project in South Africa.
It’s latest international success will see Arkhênum and TRIBVN Imaging digitise over 400,000 phototypes in France.

Austrian National Library: Vision 2025
The library’s Vision 2025 project aims to make a significant portion of this inventory available to the public digitally by 2025.
The digitisation is led by the National Library’s Iconography Department, known as Bildarchiv.

Four to six years to digitise 400,000 phototypes
The Austrian National Library opted to work with Arkhênum and TRIBVN Imaging for a minimum of four years, with an optional 2-year extension.
Due to the wide range of formats requiring digitisation (negatives, film slides in strips and negatives, roll films etc.), the team first conducted extensive tests over an eight-week period – with success.
The project will now enter the production phase, generating between 60,000 and 80,000 digital files annually, with resolutions ranging from 1,250 to 4,700 PPI, depending on the format.

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